Sunday, September 16, 2007

This weekend, I finally made it to the Great White Way. I saw a Broadway production of the show, "Chorus Line".

To begin, it was an interesting experience. To end, the show is beyond dated at this point. There was no attempt to update the show in any sense, and I think that resulted in a detrimental theatre going experience on my part.

The original show came out in 1976, and blew everyone away. It received numerous awards, and was/is a fantastic show. In it's time. Now, it's been done. The dancing that our culture has been exposed to since 1976 is far and above beyond the performances at this show. The pseudo disco fosse mix has gone from being hip and new to being trite and old. It was difficult watching the production claim that the dancers were amazing or the routines exceptionally difficult when there really wasn't that new flair to it.

Of course, perhaps this is an intrinsic problem of heading into a play with some notion of expectation. I expected fabulous dancing. I didn't get it. I was irritated. I expected witty dialog, but I was not rewarded. Is it my fault for wanting too much out of the show? I'm not sure.

The quick and dirty: The show was dated, through and through. If you are looking to see a great Broadway show, this isn't it. If you are looking for a nostalgic trip back to the Broadway of yesteryear, this might be the ticket. It certainly seemed to recreate the feeling of watching a show in 1976. But we've grown so much as a culture, is there a point to going back to exactly that? Can't we see an updated chorus line? The trials and tribulations faced by contemporary dancers? I would love to see that... of course, maybe that's just an opening for some other musical to be composed. "Chorus Line 2: This time, it's personal"