Tuesday, December 25, 2007

On being lost (part two)

(It's odd to think that my initial thought at the top of this little diatribe is on the subject heading of this particular post, amd if it conforms to the norm I established with the last post. OCD here I come)

As per the life of a student, I am at the relative start of my winter break, a glorious one month of relaxed responsibilities. This is the time traditionally reserved for the recharging of artistic batteries. I haven't found the plug yet. I feel stressed out and barely controlled. And this isn't helping solve my sense of loss.

Since the last post, I wrote some good starts, at least I think I did. My profs have expressed excitement at what I might (read Should) be bringing in as finished drafts upon my return. I spent the last few days fulfilling family obligations and trying hard to "relax", an anachyronism that is not lost on me. (And yes, I know anachronism is not the right word, but I can't think of what the appropriate word to express the inherent irony in trying hard to relax.)

I'd like to think I'm suffering from post scholastic stress disorder. I just can't relax. There's this constant pressure of needing to research and write and learn and get things done. How dis this affect my creative process? It makes the process non existent.

Bye for now kiddos!
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