Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just a Morning

So, dear readers, I find myself in possession of a new phone after the kind folks at at&t decided my phone was magically broken and not tossed carelessly on the floor. Here I am to update you on the actions of the week thus far.

First, school has resumed as of Tuesday. It is nice to start getting back in the swing of things. But, that does mean lots of reading and writing to get done. I have a draft of a play due by Sunday at noon. Huzzah! (That's for Spence's class). This play is one I started last semester, and I think has some good prospects. Spence has always seemed very eager to see where it goes, so hopefully it comes out a little better than some of my efforts in the past.

I also start a new playwriting class, with Edward Allen Baker, and I'm quite excited. Mainly because I hear he is amenable to working on screenplays, and I would like to get a few more screenplays on the playing field. Especially this one my friend Ben (of asked me to write, though I wonder the intelligence of bringing a screenplay with characters I didn't write into a classroom/workshop setting. Can I adequately defend them? I mean, if the characters present a problem to the actualzation of the screenplay, will I be in a position to fix them, or will I need to be concerned about Ben's feelings on what is, ultimately, his IP? (IP stands for intellectual property)

In addition, I am going to choreograph a dance this semester. I have a meeting on Friday to discuss some of the particulars before the actual formal dance meeting on monday. I am excited sbout having the chance to work on something that is so different from where my prior experience lies, I think college is a place to experiment, and a place to be okay about failing. You know?

My final project, for the moment and not counting the game which I see as an ongoing project, is this web series. I see it as a television series, just online. I want to take advantage of the glut of underused actors, the cinematographical nature of the campus (it's beautiful) and present a show that is an update (of sorts) to 21 Jumpstreet, which was an eighties television series starring Johnny Depp about cops going undercover at a high school. We'll see how that one turns out, but it's in the gate.
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Monday, January 21, 2008

Bit of an update

Bit of a discussion.

So, most of you have guessed my blog is primarily composed on my blackberry, and that's great. I love it. Problem is, my blackberry decided to stop working so well, which has made it difficult to blog. So, forgive me if updating is a bit sparse or I misspell words, I can't actually see what I'm typing.

That being said, I was just reading "Advanced Screenwriting" by Linda Seger (too early to recommend or condemn), and I found something to help explain my dissatisfaction with "Cloverfield". The lack of the payoff scene. So much is set up in that film, and so little is paid off. Ruminate on that.

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