Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Early mornings

I should know better by now.

My body doesn't like the early morning. Here I am, waiting at a Starbucks, hoping the world stops spinning because I want to get off. I don't sleep well on the best of nights, and even worse when I have an early call. Despite my best intentions, wherein I went to bed early, avoided caffeine, I still wasn't able to hit that magic sleepland until the bleak hour of four AM. Part of me is just upset because I wasted four hours tossing and turning. Part is upset because I have to be up and around the suits rushing about.

So I'm off to work at the Westport playhouse today. I'll let you know how it goes.

On a sidenote, I was reading a book yesterday, and got to page 122, and the next page was missing. In fact, the next thirty three pages were missing. Bad publisher! Bad.
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