Friday, February 08, 2008


So, as some of you might know, I have been, for a time, one of the writers for a comedy group here on campus, the Lampoon.

I wrote a sketch for them based on some historical events, inspired heavily by a fantastic sketch from a friend of mine, nod to you Scuzzy, and now they want a bunch more in the same vein. They want the same essential joke to be repeated over and over again, and I have to pause for a moment and wonder if this will be funny or a waste of my time when they realize these are not ALL going to be funny. Perhaps one will be... Or none. In any case, how many times can things be funny?

I need to do laundry.
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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Zazoo: To Do

First off, let me say that I don't understand how the screen of my blackberry continues to develop scratches.

Second, I am writing some sketches this week for Lampoon. Time to be funny.

Third, I took the one act I wrote for Ed Baker's class and transformed it into a full length.

Fourth, I'm in a show this weekend, playing a cameo role, which, on the one hand I do very very well, but on the other, it takes a serious chunk of my time.

Fifth, I have a play, or something due next week for Spence's class, which means I need to decide whether to produce something new or refine something old. Votes?

Sixth, is lent. What do I give up? Food? Hot damn. Marshmallows? Beer? Meh, I'll come up with something.

Seventh, need to come up with the notion of the dance I have comitted myself to make. Been thinking of this one idea, but I don't have the resources to pull it off. I've been toying with the idea of writing a piece that is about the dance that I couldn't make. Describing what the audience would see without having the "things" in front of them. Ponderies....

Eigth, I'm passing my novel off to a person who was, in the past, an intern at a publishing house. Chaper eleven is still the devil.

Nine, webisodes? Do I have the time, inclination?

Ten, need to get crackalackin on the game I'm supposed to be writing.

Shazam. Ta da, there's the to do.
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Monday, February 04, 2008

Time to update

It is a busy little universe I live in, and it can be difficult finding the time to update. But, that's a cross I chose to bear, and it is of my own volition.

That being said, on with the show.

Classes have become a routine by now, as we begin the third week. I've written two full plays and a one act. I'm no longer directing a show, nor assistant directing a show. I have two job offers on the table for the summer, both great, and wonderful, but I'm not sure I know how to choose. So there's the update, and I'll try to get back and postulate (without answering) more writerly questions in the future.
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