Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alright, so I've been at Sarah Lawrence College for a week now. Technically a week and a half, and it is certainly an experience. It's pretty insane. In a good way. I have yet to have a playwriting class, but one is coming up this afternoon, and I'm quite excited for it. With only two people in the class, it's a little intimidating, I'm unsure how the workshop aspect of the class will function. I was hoping for small class sizes, but this is a little ridiculous.

One of things I love about the college atmosphere is the exposure to different people in different fields. I didn't expect to be so drawn to these other fields though. Perhaps that's why I do theatre, because I want to do everything. I worry that the MFA I acquire here will lead to few other jobs, especially as I watch the human geneticists around me all lining up careers post college. I wonder, should I change? Is the study of theatre a pointless exercise? Granted, the most appropriate response is Isn't it a bit late for that? Yes. Yes it is. However, I could just get more schooling after this schooling, and get the education in something that is a bit more career friendly.

In any case, school is an interesting place to be, and I've gotten some writing done already. Just a one act called, "Love: A Masturbatory Act in Four Digressions" but it felt good to get some words on the page. I'll start work on the bigger projects as soon as I've gotten my feet wet in the playwriting classes.

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