Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Green Show

If you happen to find yourself in Ashland during the summer months, try and head downtown in the evening hours to catch the free entertainment presented by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

It's primarily music and dancing, usually with themes that correspond to the show going on in the Elizabethan that night.

Tonight's show was quite good. Not dead good, not smashing, not really deserving of much in the way of positive British adjectives (certainly not the top of the pops "the dog's Bullocks) but it was more often entertaining then not, and the themes in it were easily relatable to the show it was prefacing, "Taming of the Shrew." (And in a serious shout out to Spence, remember performing that play with Andrew on KUPS?)

The performance did make me think about the nature of acting in dance. There were three female dancers, and they all displayed different levels of facial involvement. One had two expressions, smiling and constipated. The blonde had a few more available, but they still seemed like they were stock images pulled from a binder or something. The final dancer was actually reacting to the events and stimuli around her, and I will admit readily, it made her absolutely shine as a dancer.

On that note, I really have to say that, the more I'm exposed to dance, the more I like it, and find myself entranced by it. I'll leave it there for now.
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