Monday, January 14, 2008


So, I have traveled back to New York in order to continue my education in the wily ways of theatre.

However, I am currently trapped on an airplane across from the same two children who have been quite liberal in their high registered vocal applications throughout the flight, and seem to see no new reason to eliminate their emmanations.

To alleviate my frustration, I turn to you, dear blog-o-sphere. A joyous little arena of self indulgence, because you truly want to know what is on my mind. So, here is my big question of the day: I am interested in being a little more open about the projects I am ensconced in work on, but I do have that worry that by putting my ideas on the web for easy viewing, I am leaving myself open for rip offs. Is this legitimate? Or is this ultimately safe as everything is time stamped on a server beyond my control....? Hrm...?

In terms of projects, I am very interested in mercenaries right now, though the contemporary versions thereof prefer the term private security consultants. Perhaps I'll be in a better space to put out some more information about that particular gambit on the flip side..

Play well, and hit me up if you are around the Eastern seaboard.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

Spencer said...


I think you can put your ideas up on the web, no matter what, no one can steal your style unless they actually steal you piece and post/publish it as as their own. I would love to hear more of your ideas. Always good stuff.