Saturday, January 12, 2008

Good morning

Good morning.

I am sitting in the Seattle airport, a place I have been many times before, and a place that holds countless memories for me. It is far too early for me to be up, considering where my circadian rhythms have me.

All that said (so you can gauge my mind set), this blog is ultimately supposed to be about writing, so let's talk writing.

Over this winter break of mine, I was expected to complete a draft of a play for Spence's class. It's a strange murder mystery playing out inside the protagonist's head. It is quite dark, and I think that darkness attracts Spence. However, I think that very same darkness keeps me from being very attracted to writing it. I prefer to write things that are happy and funny because I'd rather be laughing, all the same. In any case, I've written a bit more of the script, but still have a way to go.

I really want to finish this screenplay that I promised a friend I'd write. He came up with the characters and the world, but needs/wants me to write the screenplay. I really like the characters and the world he's created, and as I get closer to a finished product, you, dear reader(s) will know more deets (details). However, the story is just so ephemeral to me right now. It feels right and wrong in the same breath, and I'm not sure the tale I'm trying to tell fits within the Field three act structure. Nor do I think it would agree with McKee (So many books, I should write some reviews of the ones that have worked for me)... So, my problem is that I'm bringing my love for "meta" to the world of film. Not entirely unwelcome, but certainly awkward. Bah, enough complaining.

Go out and write.
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