Friday, February 08, 2008


So, as some of you might know, I have been, for a time, one of the writers for a comedy group here on campus, the Lampoon.

I wrote a sketch for them based on some historical events, inspired heavily by a fantastic sketch from a friend of mine, nod to you Scuzzy, and now they want a bunch more in the same vein. They want the same essential joke to be repeated over and over again, and I have to pause for a moment and wonder if this will be funny or a waste of my time when they realize these are not ALL going to be funny. Perhaps one will be... Or none. In any case, how many times can things be funny?

I need to do laundry.
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Spencer said...

What sketch did you nod to?

I hear ya though, I mean I loves me some Historical Comedy, but how many times can you do that same joke eh?

But that's cool that you are writing for them. I knew you had written some, but not that you were a continuing writer. That's sweet. I should be writing more stuff for UT Seattle, but I haven't in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric...Just read your blog!!! It's clear that things are going very well for you...Good for you! I miss you...