Thursday, February 07, 2008

Zazoo: To Do

First off, let me say that I don't understand how the screen of my blackberry continues to develop scratches.

Second, I am writing some sketches this week for Lampoon. Time to be funny.

Third, I took the one act I wrote for Ed Baker's class and transformed it into a full length.

Fourth, I'm in a show this weekend, playing a cameo role, which, on the one hand I do very very well, but on the other, it takes a serious chunk of my time.

Fifth, I have a play, or something due next week for Spence's class, which means I need to decide whether to produce something new or refine something old. Votes?

Sixth, is lent. What do I give up? Food? Hot damn. Marshmallows? Beer? Meh, I'll come up with something.

Seventh, need to come up with the notion of the dance I have comitted myself to make. Been thinking of this one idea, but I don't have the resources to pull it off. I've been toying with the idea of writing a piece that is about the dance that I couldn't make. Describing what the audience would see without having the "things" in front of them. Ponderies....

Eigth, I'm passing my novel off to a person who was, in the past, an intern at a publishing house. Chaper eleven is still the devil.

Nine, webisodes? Do I have the time, inclination?

Ten, need to get crackalackin on the game I'm supposed to be writing.

Shazam. Ta da, there's the to do.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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