Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Problem of Defining Theater

And theatre is you run the risk of limiting theatre. And as I use this mild public forum to lash out in childish frustration upon the topic I don't understand. I don't get it. It being the play selection of any theatre these days, from my school to the major regionals to broadway.

I do want something different. I want there to be a reason to go to theatre again, more than just because it's there. I want to be excited by theatre again. Is that so much to ask?

As I said I was going to answer the question- What is theatre?- I suppose I will. In my estimation, theatre is a performance that happens in front of an audience, the bulk of the performance being live, happening right there.

And if that's the whole definition, well, what then separates it from dance? Or just basic performance art? I'm open to other ideas here. Anything?

On a final note, a received a contradictory note from a former playwrighting professor, in which he told me to stop writing new plays in order to focus on rewriting the ones I have already written. But, he also mentioned that he wanted me to try writing a fully realistic play in order that I might see the full power and potential of realism (I would guess in his mind above and beyond the other available genres of theatre available).

I haven't written anything in a while, and I'm thinking of trying to bust out of this writing slump by putting together a realism piece. What will it teach me? Who knows. Who knows. Of course, it begs the question, what is realism?

Next time: what is realism?

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