Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just an update

To start, I have to just say that one of the most depressing aspects of the subway is that it looks the same at six am:

As it does at six pm:

Full disclosure, that last picture was taken at five pm, but I figure it's close enough.

Today, I am headed to the opening night party atfor the New York Horror Film Festival. As usual, the plus one that was so nicely given to me is going unused. I'm not exactly sure why I have such difficulty giving people free stuff, but I do. Despite the fact that horror films are not my genre of choice (years of being scared of the dark), I'm excited to see some independent horror films. I think they, moreso than many other film genres, have a real capablity to shed light on the views and feelings of contemporary society. What a culture defines as scary seems to be very telling, at least to me.

Okay, I will write more later, post-party writeup.

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