Thursday, May 22, 2008

So I was thinking-

I've had a lot of very interesting discussions with friends about the concept of "art". Is there some answer to that brutal question, what's is art?

Art is:

Well, I don't really know. I think a perfectly reasonable, if overly vague, answer is, Art is something that makes you feel something. But does it stop there? Clouds in the sky make me feel things. Are they art? Outside of opening up a debate about nature as art and God as painter, I'm not sure I think of clouds as art. I mean, I might be wrong, but then again, I have the electronic microphone here, so this is me working through my own sense of what art comprises.

So, do we then say that art must be made by humans? What about the elephant paintings? Do they qualify as art or as a neat trick?

For me, I'd have to say that a requisite of Art for me does rely a lot on emotion. But also thought. and humanity. I think artistic pieces need to have some sense of relation to the human existence. Otherwise, we run the risk of having just pure spectacle. I'm very curious at the contemporary divide between spectacle and, because this blog focuses on theatre and such, dramatic art. (I'll talk about spectacle vs drama later)

So. Did I answer that question? What is art? No. Maybe scratched the surface, its a deep question, and I'll hit it again. Now, Indiana Jones.
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